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Everyone has a different lifestyle, even 2 people living in the same house will have a different lifestyle / the type of people they interact with .

But our lifestyles can be boradly classified under three sections.

  • Personal
  • Social
  • Professional

Depending on what we want to project or create a brand for ourselves we should dress accordingly.

Say for someone working in a bank / consulting firm where their role is more client-facing, it is advisable to follow the Business formal wear guidelines.

The basic idea is we should separate our Personal – Social – Professional attire, a bit of overlapping or mixing clothes is all right but if we dress the same everywhere then we are not projecting the right appropriate image.

Your own Image has various nuances to it, being appropriate to where you are going is one of the important aspects of dressing up.

When you audit your closet, separate your outfits/clothes in these broad sections and then evaluate what you have and what us missing for you to create an appropriate image for yourself.

Keep in mind, it’s not just the clothes, it’s the whole look/style that you evaluate. Your accessories and jewellery should also resonate with what type of image you are projecting.

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