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I’m a 15-year-old girl and I am not perfect. I am, what people call ‘fat’.

I have flabby arms, a not so perfect tummy, a huge waist and no space between my thighs. I have been teased about my weight and, I’m gonna be honest, it didn’t feel great. I hated myself. And every time I looked in the mirror I saw nothing but flaws. I didn’t want to be this person. I wasted a lot of years thinking of becoming this perfect figure. And yes, you heard me right, I said ’thinking’ and I would have gone ahead with it, but turns out not everyone can pull off a Gal Gadot look. I, there and then, decided to abide by Marilyn Monroe’s immortal words ‘Imperfection is Beauty’. As I sat on my couch with my jar of cookies I thought about ‘Imperfections’ and it kinda struck me that ‘no-body is perfect’.

You know, you never see Gal Gadot cribbing about how she wanted Jennifer Lopez’s butt. You don’t see Cardi B wanting to sing like Demi Lovato or Demi wanting to rap like Cardi. And you don’t see Priyanka Chopra cribbing about how she doesn’t have eyes like Ian Somerhalder. She makes what’s hers, work, and quite fabulously I’d say. So why should I have to worry about my body? Every person is unique. Different. And different things suit different body types. And that, my friends, is probably why you don’t see two artists at the Met Gala wearing the same outfit ;). They all look beautiful and they all look different.

Now, if you think about it, I’m not fat, I am just a different kind of beautiful. The flabby kind! And I love it. Who’s going to oppose my excellent judgment now  You don’t have to be rich to love yourself, and you definitely don’t have to be thin to love yourself. To love yourself, you just need to take the trouble to know yourself. #IAMMORETHANMYBODY

*This post is written by Naila Bhardwaj. She is a 15yr old with a strong sense of self and family right from the age of two. She’s a great observer of people which helps with her passion to entertain. Currently she’s preparing for her boards and ‘that’s no fun’, she says

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